August 24, 2020

2 Million Home Burglaries are Reported Each Year in the United States

2 Million Home Burglaries are Reported Each Year in the United States

2 Million Home Burglaries are Reported Each Year in the United States If you’re interested in avoiding becoming a victim, understanding just how common these sorts of burglaries are will be an important first step.Most people who do understand the frequency of home burglaries take steps to lower the risk. They do this by making

2 Million Home Burglaries are Reported Each Year in the United States Read More »

Why a Zip Tie is Not Enough to Secure Your Garage Door

Why a Zip Tie is Not Enough to Secure Your Garage Door

The most common type of entry into the garage is the 6-second break-in method. All that criminals have to do is push in the top panel of the garage and use something like a coat hanger to activate the emergency release mechanism. This allows them to slide the garage open with ease. Many irresponsible news

Why a Zip Tie is Not Enough to Secure Your Garage Door Read More »

How effective is a home security system?

How effective is a home security system?

HOW EFFECTIVE IS A HOME SECURITY SYSTEM? According to information published by Rutgers University (following a five-year research study into the effectiveness of home security systems, the first of its kind), the overwhelming majority of people with home security systems were able to dramatically reduce instances of criminal activity and were also able to lessen

How effective is a home security system? Read More »

A Burglary Occurs Every 15 Seconds

A Burglary Occurs Every 15 Seconds

A BURGLARY OCCURS EVERY 15 SECONDS As startling as it may seem, a burglary occurs every 15 seconds! This scary statistic comes directly from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and it’s something that every homeowner should be aware of. If you’re looking for ways to minimize the risk, you’ll appreciate our helpful quick guide.We’ve compiled

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Adding Zip Ties to Garage Doors is a Federal Law and UL 325 Violation

Adding Zip Ties to Garage Doors is a Federal Law and UL 325 Violation

ADDING ZIP TIES TO GARAGE DOORS IS A FEDERAL LAW AND UL 325 VIOLATION Many irresponsible news articles and stories reported that it is alright to add zip ties to secure the emergency release device on the operator of your garage door. But according to the Federal Code and UL 325, adding a zip tie

Adding Zip Ties to Garage Doors is a Federal Law and UL 325 Violation Read More »

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